Russia: Russische Actiengesellschaft L. M. Ericsson & Co.
England: The Brittish L. M. Ericsson Manufacturing Co. Ld.
France: Société des Téléphones Ericsson
U. S. A.: Ericsson Mfg. Co.
Mexico: Empresa de Teléfonos Ericsson S. A.
Contents: Code words for numbers Old catalouge numbers & corresponding in this catalouge Telephones: Section A: Type AB 100, AB 105, AB 120, AB 122, AB 130, AB 135, AB 140, AB 145, AB 160, AB 165, AB 210, AB 220, AB 230, AB 250, AB 500, AB 510, AB 520, AB 530, AB 650, AB 670, AB 1200, AB 1300, AB 2100, AB 2300, AB 2500, AB 2530, AB 5000, AB 5100, AB 6000, AB 6100, AB 6200, AB 6300, AB 6500. AC 100, AC 110, AC 120, AC 130, AC 140, AC 200, AC 210, AC 300, AC 400, AC 500, AC 1000. AD 100, AD 120, AD 125, AD 200, AD 250. AE 200, AE 250. AF 100, AF 200-231, AF 300, AF 340, AF 500. Section B: BC 1100, BC 1200, BC 1300, BC 1301, BC 1400, BC 2000, BC 2050. BD 100, BD 200. Section C: CD 110, CD 120, CD 140, CD 170, CD 180, CD 540, CD 570, CD 1110, CD 1140, CD 2000. CG 100, CG 300, CG 400, CG 1100, CG 1110. CK 550, CK 650, CK 660, CK 670. CL 500, CL 510, CL 600, CL 610. CM 100 About this material. |
Code words for numbers
1 Ybad | 16 Ydol | 31 Yhal | 46 Ylos | 110 Ypas | 375 Ysud |
2 Ybef | 17 Ydum | 32 Yhem | 47 Ylut | 120 Ypet | 400 Ysyf |
3 Ybig | 18 Ydyn | 33 Yhin | 48 Ylyv | 130 Ypiv | 425 Ytax |
4 Yboll | 19 Yfah | 34 Yhop | 49 Ymap | 140 Ypox | 450 Yteb |
5 Ybuk | 20 Yfek | 35 Yhur | 50 Ymer | 150 Ypub | 475 Ytic |
6 Ybyl | 21 Yfil | 36 Yhys | 55 Ymis | 160 Ypyc | 500 Ytod |
7 Ycaf | 22 Yfom | 37 Ykam | 60 Ymot | 170 Yrat | 550 Ytuf |
8 Yceg | 23 Yfun | 38 Yken | 65 Ymuv | 180 Yrev | 600 Ytyg |
9 Ycih | 24 Yfyk | 39 Ykip | 70 Ymyx | 190 Yrix | 650 Yvab |
10 Ycok | 25 Ygak | 40 Ykor | 75 Ynar | 200 Yrob | 700 Yvec |
11 Ycul | 26 Ygel | 41 Ykus | 80 Ynes | 225 Yruc | 750 Yvid |
12 Ycym | 27 Ygim | 42 Ykyt | 85 Ynit | 250 Yryd | 800 Yvof |
13 Ydag | 28 Ygon | 43 Ylan | 90 Ynov | 275 Ysav | 850 Yvug |
14 Ydeh | 29 Ygup | 44 Ylep | 95 Ynux | 300 Ysex | 900 Yvyh |
15 Ydik | 30 Ygyr | 45 Ylir | 100 Ynyb | 325 Ysib | 950 Yxae |
350 Ysoc | 1000 Yxed |
The words with four letters in the above table should be used together with the code words with six letters in this catalogue, for inst. Ydikabadyn = 15 instruments AB 140.
Table of old catalogue numbers and corresponding numbers in this catalogue
NO. 301 AB 210 | NO. 320 AB 500 | NO. 361 AB 250 | NO. 395 AC 1000 | NO. 441 AB 6000 |
305 AB 100 | 321 AB 505 | 365 AB 2500 | 400 BC 2000 | 442 AB 6100 |
306 AB 105 | 325 AD 100 | 366 CD 140 | 402 BC 2050 | 443 AB 6500 |
310 AB 140 | 330 AD 200 | 370 AC 100 | 405 BC 1300 | 445 AB 5000 |
311 AB 145 | 335 AD 250 | 375 AC 110 | 406 BC 1301 | 450 AF 210 |
315 AB 220 | 340 AB 130 | 380 AC 210 | 408 BC 1400 | 455 AF 220 |
316 AB 120 | 345 AB 530 | 381 AC 300 | 410 BC 1100 | 460 AF 300 |
317 AB 122 | 346 AB 590 | 383 AC 310 | 415 BC 1200 | 465 AF 340 |
318 AB 160 | 350 AB 650 | 385 AC 200 | 435 AF 100 | 855 AB 5100 |
319 AB 165 | 355 AB 230 | 388 CG 1100 | 440 AF 200 |
Battery ringing wall telephone
(Old Cat. No. 410)
Backboard polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 501.
Receiver RD 110 (Old Cat. No. 546) with cord RS 4300 (Old Cat. No. 2030)
suspended on switch-hook.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 345 mm.
Width of Backboard: 110 mm.
Weight: 1,6 kg.
Codeword: Batagi.
Battery ringing wall telephone
(Old Cat. No. 415)
Backboard polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 501.
Receiver RD 200 (Old Cat. No. 549) with cord RS 4700 (Old Cat. No. 2036),
suspended on switch-hook.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 345 mm.
Width of Backboard: 110 mm.
Weight: 1,5 kg.
Codeword: Batayl.
Battery ringing wall telephones
(Old Cat. No. 405)
Backboard polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 4000 (Old Cat. No. 532) with cord RS 6000, suspended on a
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 250 mm.
Width of Backboard: 100 mm.
Weight: 1,3 kg.
Codeword: Batbig.
(Old Cat. No. 406)
Backboard polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 6000
(Old Cat. No. 522) with cord RS 8001 (Old Cat. No. 2142) and switch in the handle
suspended on a fixed hook.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Weight of Backboard: 250 mm.
Width of Backboard: 100 mm.
Weight: 1,3 kg.
Codeword: Batbok.
Battery ringing wall telephone
(Old Cat. No. 408)
Backboard polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 3500 (Old Cat. No. 523) with cord RS 8500 (Old Cat. No. 2182)
and switch in the handle resting in a fixed cradle.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 190 mm.
Width of Backboard: 155 mm.
Weight: 1,6 kg.
Codeword: Batefu.
Battery ringing table telephone
(Old Cat. No. 400)
Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) with cord RS 7021 (Old Cat. No. 2252)
and switch in the handle resting on a cradle switch, flexible cable, RS 9000 (Old Cat.
No. 2084) and terminal block.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Weight: 1,8 kg.
Codeword: Batfak.
Battery ringing table telephone
(Old Cat. No. 402)
Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 3000 (Old Cat. No. 525), with a switch in the handle, resting
on a fixed cradle, with cord RS 8001 (Old Cat. No. 2142), flexible cable RS 9000 (Old Cat.
No. 2084) and terminal block.
Ringer 40 ohms resistance.
Weight: 1,8 kg.
Codeword: Batfim.
Extension switch for 2 earth circuit lines
Battery Ringing System
This instrument consists of a polished walnut base on which are mounted a 3-way lever
switch, and a ringer of 100 ohms resistance.
It is intended for use with any of our ordinary battery ringing telephones, and such a
combination of switch and telephone can communicate with either of the two extension lines,
depending upon the switch being in the left or right hand position.
A signal given by one of the extension lines will ring either the bell on the telephone
or that on the extension switch, again depending upon the position of the switch.
The switch should normally be to the left or to the right, and a signal coming from one
of the lines will then ring the intermediate station only and not the other extension line.
When the switch is in the central position, the 2 lines can communicate directly with
each other.
Height of Backboard: 250 mm.
Width of Backboard: 100 mm.
Weight: 1,8 kg.
Codeword: Batkan.
Extension switch for 2 metallic circuit lines
Battery Ringing System
This extension switch consists of a polished wood base, on which are mounted a 3-way
switch, and a ringer of 100 ohms resistance.
It is intended for use with any of our battery ringing telephones and such a combination
of extension switch and telephone can communicate with either of the two extension lines
depending upon the switch being in the right or left hand position.
Signals given by the extension lines will ring either the bell on the telephone, or that
on the extension switch, again depending upon the position of the switch.
The switch should normally be to the left or to the right hand, and a signal coming from
one of the lines will then ring the intermediate station only and not the other extension
When the switch is in the central position, the two extension lines can communicate
directly with each other.
When any two of the above telephones are in communication with each other, their
conversation cannot be overheard by the third.
This switch can be used for either 2 earth circuit lines, 2 metallic circuit lines, or
for an earth circuit line and a metallic circuit line.
Height of Backboard: 340 mm.
Width of Backboard: 140 mm.
Weight: 1,6 kg.
Codeword: Batkor.
This is section B of the product catalogue 'Section A-C, 6th Edition Catalogue Telephone Instruments from Aktiebolaget L. M. Ericsson & Co, Stockholm '. The catalogue was printed 1911 by Wald. Zachrissons boktryckeri A.-B., Göteborg.
The scanning and word processing has been done by Tommy Sundgren (STSF).
Some pictures have Moiré interference that is hard to avoid due to the paper printing technique used. The text has been captured with Caere OmniPage OCR program.
Many thanks to the Telemuseum in Stockholm that kindly lent us the catalouge.