
Russia: Russische Actiengesellschaft L. M. Ericsson & Co.

Works and Office: 70 Gr. Sampsoniewsky Prosp. S:t Petersburg.
Telegraphic Address: Telefon, Petersburg.

England: The Brittish L. M. Ericsson Manufacturing Co. Ld.

Works: Beeston, Notts.
Office: Byron House, 82/85, Fleet Street, London E. C.
Telegraphic Address: Ericsson, London.

France: Société des Téléphones Ericsson

4, Rue Le Peletier, Paris.
Telegraphic Address: Télémikro, Paris.

U. S. A.: Ericsson Mfg. Co.

Works and Office: Military Road 121, Buffalo, N. Y.
Telegraphic Address: Mikrofon, Buffalo.

Mexico: Empresa de Teléfonos Ericsson S. A.

Office: 2a Calle de Victoria 53 y 55, Mexico D. F.
Telegraphic Address: Mikrofon, Mexiko.



Code words for numbers
Old catalouge numbers & corresponding in this catalouge
Telephones: Section A: Type AB 100, AB 105, AB 120, AB 122, AB 130, AB 135, AB 140, AB 145, AB 160, AB 165, AB 210, AB 220, AB 230, AB 250, AB 500, AB 510, AB 520, AB 530, AB 650, AB 670, AB 1200, AB 1300, AB 2100, AB 2300, AB 2500, AB 2530, AB 5000, AB 5100, AB 6000, AB 6100, AB 6200, AB 6300, AB 6500.
AC 100, AC 110, AC 120, AC 130, AC 140, AC 200, AC 210, AC 300, AC 400, AC 500, AC 1000.
AD 100, AD 120, AD 125, AD 200, AD 250.
AE 200, AE 250.
AF 100, AF 200-231, AF 300, AF 340, AF 500.
Section B: BC 1100, BC 1200, BC 1300, BC 1301, BC 1400, BC 2000, BC 2050.
BD 100, BD 200.
Section C: CD 110, CD 120, CD 140, CD 170, CD 180, CD 540, CD 570, CD 1110, CD 1140, CD 2000.
CG 100, CG 300, CG 400, CG 1100, CG 1110.
CK 550, CK 650, CK 660, CK 670.
CL 500, CL 510, CL 600, CL 610.
CM 100
About this material.



Code words for numbers

1 Ybad 16 Ydol 31 Yhal 46 Ylos 110 Ypas 375 Ysud
2 Ybef 17 Ydum 32 Yhem 47 Ylut 120 Ypet 400 Ysyf
3 Ybig 18 Ydyn 33 Yhin 48 Ylyv 130 Ypiv 425 Ytax
4 Yboll 19 Yfah 34 Yhop 49 Ymap 140 Ypox 450 Yteb
5 Ybuk 20 Yfek 35 Yhur 50 Ymer 150 Ypub 475 Ytic
6 Ybyl 21 Yfil 36 Yhys 55 Ymis 160 Ypyc 500 Ytod
7 Ycaf 22 Yfom 37 Ykam 60 Ymot 170 Yrat 550 Ytuf
8 Yceg 23 Yfun 38 Yken 65 Ymuv 180 Yrev 600 Ytyg
9 Ycih 24 Yfyk 39 Ykip 70 Ymyx 190 Yrix 650 Yvab
10 Ycok 25 Ygak 40 Ykor 75 Ynar 200 Yrob 700 Yvec
11 Ycul 26 Ygel 41 Ykus 80 Ynes 225 Yruc 750 Yvid
12 Ycym 27 Ygim 42 Ykyt 85 Ynit 250 Yryd 800 Yvof
13 Ydag 28 Ygon 43 Ylan 90 Ynov 275 Ysav 850 Yvug
14 Ydeh 29 Ygup 44 Ylep 95 Ynux 300 Ysex 900 Yvyh
15 Ydik 30 Ygyr 45 Ylir 100 Ynyb 325 Ysib 950 Yxae
       350 Ysoc 1000 Yxed

The words with four letters in the above table should be used together with the code words with six letters in this catalogue, for inst. Ydikabadyn = 15 instruments AB 140.


Table of old catalogue numbers and corresponding numbers in this catalogue

NO. 301 AB 210 NO. 320 AB 500 NO. 361 AB 250 NO. 395 AC 1000 NO. 441 AB 6000
        305 AB 100        321 AB 505         365 AB 2500         400 BC 2000         442 AB 6100
        306 AB 105        325 AD 100         366 CD 140         402 BC 2050         443 AB 6500
        310 AB 140         330 AD 200         370 AC 100         405 BC 1300         445 AB 5000
        311 AB 145         335 AD 250         375 AC 110         406 BC 1301         450 AF 210
        315 AB 220         340 AB 130         380 AC 210         408 BC 1400         455 AF 220
        316 AB 120         345 AB 530         381 AC 300         410 BC 1100         460 AF 300
        317 AB 122         346 AB 590         383 AC 310         415 BC 1200         465 AF 340
        318 AB 160         350 AB 650         385 AC 200         435 AF 100         855 AB 5100
        319 AB 165         355 AB 230         388 CG 1100         440 AF 200  

Type AB 100-105

Magneto wall telephones

Type AB 100
(Old Cat. No. 305)

Framework polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 55o.
Receiver RD 200 (No. 549) with cord RS 4700 (No. 2036) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 5000 ohms.
Ringer: 100 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 445 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight 4,0 kg.
Codeword: Ababab.



Type AB 105
(Old Cat. No. 306)

Framework polished walnut.
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 550.
Receiver RD 200 (No. 549) with cord RS 4700 (No. 2036) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3100, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15ooo ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 445 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,5 kg.
Codeword: Ababif.


Type AB 120-122

Magneto wall telephones

Type AB 120

(Old Cat. No. 316)

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 4000 (No. 532), with cord RS 6000 suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 5000 ohms.
Ringer 100 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 415 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,1 kg.
Codeword: Ababuk.


Type AB 122

(Old Cat. No. 317)

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 4000 (Not. 532) with cord RS 6000 suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3100, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 415 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4.6 kg.
Codeword: Abacig.


Type AB 130

Magneto wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 340)

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 4000 (No. 532) with cord RS 6000 suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 495 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 6,2 kg.
Codeword: Abadal.


Type AB 135

Magneto wall telephone

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 1050, (No. 529) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061), resting on cradle switch.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip and enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 490 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 6,5 kg.
Code word: Abadik.


Type AB 140-145

Magneto wall telephones

Type AB 140

(Old. Cat. No. 310)

Framework polished walnut constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK410 (Old. Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 550.
Receiver RD 200 (No. 549) with cord RS 4700 (No. 2036) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 5000 ohms.
Ringer 100 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 605 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight 4,7 kg.
Codeword: Abadyn.


Type AB 145

(Old Cat. No. 311)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 550.
Receiver RD 200 (No. 549) with cord RS 4700 (No. 2036) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3100, 3-magnet which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 605 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 5,2 kg.
Codeword: Abafil.


Type AB160-165

Magneto wall telephones

Type AB 160

(Old Cat. No. 318)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 2100, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 5000 ohms.
Ringer 100 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 575 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 4,8 kg.
Codeword: Abafun.


Type AB 165

(Old Cat. No. 319)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3100, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
Height of Backboard: 575 mm.
Width of Backboard: 170 mm.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Abagim.


Type AB 210

Magneto wall telephone

(Old. Cat. No. 301.)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 506 or 590).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 500.
Receiver RD 110 (No. 546) with cord RS 4300 (No. 2030) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 720 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,2 kg.
Codeword: Abalby.


Type AB 220

Magneto wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 315.)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 520.
Receiver RD 110 (No. 546) with cord RS 4300 (No. 2030) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 720 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,5 kg.
Codeword: Abalme.


Type AB 230

Magneto wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 355.)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 660 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,0 kg.
Codeword: Abamen.


Type AB 250

Magneto wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 361)

Framework polished walnut constructed to hold 2 cells RK 200 (Old Cat. No. 597).
Micro-telephone RE 1050 (No. 529) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) resting on cradle switch.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip and enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,9 kg.
Codeword: Abamoq.


Type AB 500-505

Magneto wall telephones

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. Nos. 595 or 585).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 520.
Receiver RD 110 (546) with Cord RS 4300 (No. 2030) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
Press button. For short circuiting the induction coil & cutting out the ringer.
These instruments are fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 770 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.

Type Old Catalogue No. Generator No. of Magnets Resistance of Ringer ohm Weight kg.Codeword
AB 500 320 RH 4160 4 300 9,0 Abanor
AB 501 - RH 4600 4 1000 9,0 Abanyt
AB 505 321 RH 5600 5 2000 9,5 Abapir


Type AB 510-515

Magneto wall telephones

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. Nos. 595 or 585).
Transmitter RC 120 on adjustable arm RC 660.
Receiver RD 110 (No. 546) with cord RS 4300 (No. 2030) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
These instruments have enclosed line terminals and are fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 760 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.

Type Generator No. of MagnetsResistance of ringer Weight kg Codeword
AB 510 RH 4160 4 300 8,3 Abaris
AB 511 RH 4600 4 1000 8,3 Abarot
AB 515 RH 5600 5 2000 8,8 Abasov

Telephones AB 511 and AB 515 are each provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils and short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply telephones AB 511 and AB 515 without the above press button and with the connection so arranged that the ringer coils are cut out when the generator is operated.


Type AB 520

Magneto wall telephone

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 3150, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Weight: 7,8 kg.
Codeword: Abativ.


Type AB 530-590

Magneto wall telephones

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
Press button for short circuiting the induction coil and cutting out the ringer coil.
These instruments are fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.

Type Old Catalogue No.Generator No. of Magnets Resistance of RingerWeight kg.Codeword
AB 530 345 RH 4160 4 300 8,7 Abbabo
AB 535 - RH 4600 4 1000 8,7 Abbafu
AB 590 346 RH 5600 5 2000 9,2 Abbali

If specially ordered we supply telephone AB 535 and AB 590 without a press button but with the connection so arranged that the ringer coils are cut out when the generator is operated.


Type AB 650-655

Magneto wall telephones

Framework polished walnut constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 1050 (No. 529) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) resting on cradle switch.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
Press button for short circuiting the induction coil and cutting out the ringer coil.
These Instruments are fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.

Type Old Catalogue No. Generator No. of Magnets Resistance of RingerWeight kg. Codeword
AB 650 350 RH 4160 4 300 9,1 Abbfir
AB 651 - RH 4600 4 1000 9,1 Abbfos
AB 655- RH 5600 5 2000 9,6 Abbger

If specially ordered we supply telephones AB 651 and AB 655 without the press button but with the connection so arranged, that the ringer coils are cut out when the generator is operated.


Type AB 670-675

Magneto wall telephones

Framework of polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 1050 (No. 529), with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) resting on cradle switch.
Generator for type, see table below. These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
These telephones have enclosed line terminals, and are fitted with a paper clip.
Height of Backboard: 705 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Type Generator No. of MagnetsResistance of ringer Weight kg Codeword
AB 670 RH 4160 4 300 8,8 Abbias
AB 671 RH 4600 4 1000 8,8 Abbict
AB 675 RH 5600 5 2000 9,3 Abbkat

Telephones AB 671 & AB 675 are provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils and short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply these two telephones without press button but with the connections so arranged that the ringer is cut out when the generator is operated.


Type AB 1200-1220

Magneto wall telephones

Case black enamelled steel.
Micro-telephone RE 4000 (Old Cat. No. 532) with cord RS 6000 suspended on switch-hook.
Generator for type & resistance through which the generator rings satisfactorily, see table below.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
These telephones have enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 510 mm.
Width of Backboard: 190 mm.

Type Generator No. of Magnets Generator rings thro´ a line resistance of Resistance of ringerWeight kg Codeword
AB 1200 RH 2400 2 5000 100 5,6 Abikap
AB 1205 RH 3231 3 20000 300 6,0 Abikos
AB 1220 RH 4450 4 25000 300 6,4 Abilot


Type AB 1300-1320

Magneto wall telephones

Case black enamelled steel.
Micro-telephone RE 1000 with cord RS 6000 resting on cradle switch.
Generator for type & line resistance through which it will ring satisfactorily, see table below.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
These instruments have enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 510 mm.
Width of Backboard: 190 mm.

Type Generator No. of Magnets Generator rings thro´ a line resistance of Resistance of ringerWeight kg Codeword
AB 1300 RH 2400 2 5000 100 5,8 Abimas
AB 1305 RH 3231 3 20000 300 6,4 Abimox
AB 1320 RH 4450 4 25000 300 6,8 Abinat


Type AB 2100-2120

Magneto wall telephones

Case black enamelled steel, constructed to hold 2 dry cells RK 210.
Inset transmitter RC 180 on adjustable arm RC 650.
Receiver RD 600 with cord RS 4050 (Old Cat. No. 2382) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
These telephones have enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 565 mm.
Width of Backboard: 200 mm.

Type Generator No. of MagnetsResistance of ringer Weight kgCodeword
AB 2100 RH 4400 4 300 7,8 Abiqib
AB 2105 RH 4400 4 1000 7,8 Abisab
AB 2120 RH 5500 5 2000 8,2 Abisog

Telephones AB 2105 and AB 2120 are provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils & short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply these two telephones with the connection so arranged, that the bell on the telephone will not ring when the generator is being operated. In this case no press button is provided.


Type AB 2300-2320

Magneto wall telephones

Case black enamelled steel, constructed to hold 2 dry cells RK 210.
Micro-telephone RE 1002 with cord RS 6020 (No. 2411) resting on cradle switch.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance see table below.
These telephones have enclosed line terminals.
Height of Backboard: 565 mm.
Width of Backboard: 200 mm.

Type Generator No. of MagnetsResistance of ringer Weight kgCodeword
AB 2300 RH 4400 4 300 7,6 Aboceg
AB 2305 RH 4400 4 1000 7,6 Abocle
AB 2320 RH 5500 5 2000 8,0 Abocurn

Telephones AB 2305 and AB 2320 are provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils and short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply these two types with the connections so arranged that the bell on the telephone does not ring when the generator is operated. In this case no press button is provided.


Type AB 2500

Magneto wall telephone

(Old Cat. No. 365)

Case enamelled cast iron mounted on a walnut backboard.
Micro-telephone RE 4004 with ebonite handle and cord RS 6000 suspended on switch-hook.
Generator, 3-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 20000 ohms.
Ringer. The resistance of coil is 300 ohms.
This telephone is provided with a writing tablet.
Height of Backboard: 400 mm.
Width of blackboard: 175 mm.
Weight: 6,9 kg
Codeword. Abodom.


Type AB 2530-2535

Magneto telephones for mines

Case cast iron, enamelled.
Micro-telephone RE 9210 suspended on switch-hook, complete with waterproof cord RS 6100 (No. 2495), which cord is protected by a flexible metal tube, transmitter of the interchangeable inset type without a mouthpiece, and with enclosed terminals.
Generator for type, see table below.
These generators will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer for resistance, see table below.
Battery 2 dry cells RK 190 (Old Cat. No. 600).
This instrument is divided into two portions.
When the door of the case is un-latched & opened, the micro-telephone clamped on the switch-hook with its flexible cord and the generator crank are all that is exposed to view, see Fig. 2.
The inner portion, which is watertight, contains the generator, batteries, induction coil and line terminals etc.

Incoming wires are led in to the terminals through 2 holes on the top side of the telephone, these holes being so formed that they may be hermetically closed by filling in with some suitable paste or compound, after the wires have been led in.
These holes are also threaded at the top, thus permitting iron or other tubes to be screwed on to protect the wires, if desired.
In consequence of these special arrangements this telephone is very suitable for use in mines, streets or other places which are exposed to damp.

Type Generator No. of Magnets Resistance of ringer Codeword
AB 2530 RH 4110 4 300 Alapan
AB 2535 RH 5201 5 2000 Alaper

Overall Dimensions:
Length: 440 mm.
Width: 275 "
Depth: 165 "
Weight: 26 kg.


Type AB 5000

Magneto wall telephone with special protection against high-tension currents

(Old Cat. No. 445)

Framework polished walnut, lined on the inside with tinned iron sheets which are connected to the earth terminal.
Dummy micro-telephone suspended on switch-hook.
The transmitter & receiver are enclosed in the case, the sound being carried by means of 2 vulcanized rubber tubes to the dummy micro-telephone.
The length of the rubber tubes is 1 meter.
Generator RH 5200, 5-magnet, which rings satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer. The resistance of the coils is 2000 ohms.
Battery. Two dry cells RK 240 (Old Cat. No. 596).
Carbon protector for 1 metallic line with carbons SA 300.
2 Heat coils SC 10 (No. 703).
All exposed metal parts are insulated, the generator crank being made of ebonite, and the switch-hook is insulated by means of ebonite.
This telephone is specially designed for use in places where there is any risk of the telephone lines being brought into contact with lines carrying high tension currents.
Dimensions: 550 X 380 X 190 mm.
Weight: 17,5 kg.
Codeword: Alaros.

This Telephone should be protected by using a double pole fuse SD 50

(Old Cat. No. 748) which consists of two fuses SB 100 mounted on a marble base and provided with an enamelled iron cover. The latter is connected to the earth terminal.
Overall dimensions of mounted fuses: 405 X 145 X 115 mm.
Weight: 3,5 kg.
Codeword: Stasso.

It should be noted that when a telephone line is run on the same poles as a high tension conductor, the disturbances front the conductors can be reduced by using a discharge coil.
SH 10SH 20 SH 20

Those tabulated below are very suitable for the purpose.

Type Old Catalogue No. Dimensions Weight kg. Codeword
SH 10 706 115 X 167 X 120 2,14 Stegot
SH 20 - 74 X 158 X 95 1,26 Steile

Discharge coil SH 10 is fitted with a lightning protector and SH 20 is provided with a laminated iron core, by means of which the effect of a well balanced line is obtained.


Type AB 5100

Wall telephone and sounder combined for use on telegraph lines

(Old Cat. No. 855)

Framework polished walnut.
Micro-telephone RE 6010 with cord RS 8001 (No. 2142) suspended on fixed hook.
Buzzer with condenser & press button for giving buzzer signals.
Howler for receiving buzzer signals.
2 Line condensers.
This instrument is intended for telegraphic as well as telephonic communication, the latter by means of the buzzer, and can be used for either single or metallic circuits. The buzzer is used for calling.
When a metallic circuit is used, the two sides of the line are connected to the terminals L1, L2, but when a single line circuit is used, the line is connected to the terminal L1, terminal J1 is connected by means of a "strap" to J and terminal L2 is not connected.
Height of Backboard: 260 mm.
Width of Backboard: 150 mm.
Weight: 2,2 kg.
Codeword: Alasis.


Type AB 6000

Automatic call-box for use in connection with any ordinary telephone

(Old Cat. No. 441)

The box is made of black enamelled steel and is complete with a counter, buzzer & cash box (inside dimensions 117 X 83 X 62 mm) and it is suitable for coins with a diameter of 30-33 mm.
The exchange is called in the ordinary way by the telephone & after receiving instructions from the operator, the coin is inserted in the slot and a crank turned half a revolution. This gives a signal by means of the buzzer to the operator which indicates that payment has been made.
Height: 210 mm.
Width: 135 mm.
Weight: 1,25 kg.
Codeword: Alatev.


Type AB 6100

Automatic call-box for use in connection with any ordinary telephone

(Old Cat. No. 442)

The box is made of enamelled cast iron, and is complete with: a cash box (inside dimensions: 114 X 34 X 66 mm) and it is suitable for small or large coins.
The exchange is called in the ordinary way by the telephone. After receiving instructions from the operator, the coin is placed in the slot & in dropping strikes against a spring which is thus made to vibrate. These vibrations inform the operator that payment has been made.
Height: 210 mm.
Width: i6o mm.
Weight: 2,5 kg.
Codeword: Alatyd.


Type AB 6200

Automatic call-box for use in connection with any ordinary telephone

The box is made of black enamelled steel and is complete with a cash box (inside dimensions 114 X 34 X 66 mm) and is suitable for small and large coins.
The exchange is called in the ordinary way by the telephone. After receiving instructions from the operator, the coin is inserted into the slot & in falling it strikes against a spring which is thus made to vibrate. These vibrations inform the operator that payment has been made.
Height: 225 mm.
Width: 160 mm.
Weight: 2,11 kg.
Codeword: Alavob.


Type AB 6300


This meter is for recording the number of calls a subscriber makes and can be used in connection with any ordinary magneto telephone.
The Exchange is called in the usual way, and the button must be pressed after receiving instructions from the operator.
By pressing the button, the meter is operated, the call recorded, and the Exchange notified of the fact by means of a buzzer signal.
Should the button be pressed by mistake, the microtelephone or the receiver not having been removed from it's hook or cradle, no call will be recorded on the meter.
Overall dimensions.
Height: 115 mm.
Width: 50 mm.
Weight: 0,39 kg.
Codeword: Alavyx.


Type AB 6500

Combined magneto wall telephone and automatic call-box

(Old Cat. No. 443)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 (Old Cat. No.595).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 4700, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer. The resistance of the coils is 300 ohms.
2 press buttons are provided.
Cash box fitted below the battery box. Its volume is about 0,8 cubic decimetres.
This telephone is fitted with a paper clip and enclosed line terminals and is suitable for coins which have a diameter of not more than 22 mm. With this telephone, the exchange cannot be called until the coin has been put in the slot.
If the number required is engaged, the calling subscriber must press the button on the left hand side of the telephone, when the coin will be restored to him.
If the operator informs the subscriber that the number asked for is free, the button on the right hand side must be pressed, which allows the coin to drop into the cash box.
In falling the coin will strike on to a spring which is thus made to vibrate, & this informs the operator that payment has been made.
Height of Backboard: 835 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Weight: 10,8 kg.
Codeword: Alaxof.


Type AC 100

Magneto table telephone

(Old Cat. No. 370)

Transmitter RC 120 fixed on adjustable arm RC 521.
Receiver RD 110 (Old Cat. No. 546) on switch-hook with cord RS 4300 (No. 2030), flexible cable RS 9600 (No. 2150) and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms.
The magnets of the generator also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer. The resistance of the coils is 300 ohms.
Weight: 5,5 kg.
Codeword: Alibab.


Type AC 110

Magneto table telephone

(Old Cat. No. 375)

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) resting oil cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (Old Cat. No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9600 (No. 2150), which is connected to terminals fitted under the ebonite base plate, and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms.
The magnets of the generator also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer. The resistance of the coils is 300 ohms.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Alibif.


Type AC 120

Magneto table telephone

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) resting on cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (Old Cat. No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9600 (No. 2150) and terminal block with disc protector.
The flexible cable is connected to terminals fitted under the ebonite base plate of the telephone.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms and provided with spindle movable in a longitudinal direction with plate spring as per diagram Fig. 2.
The magnets of this generator also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer. Resistance of coils 1000 ohms.
Press-button for cutting out the ringer coils and short circuiting the induction coil.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Alibog.


Type AC 130-140

Fig. 1 (AC 140)

Magneto table telephones

Type AC 130

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (Old Cat. No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9600 (Old Cat. No. 2150) connected to terminals fitted under the ebonite base plate of the telephone & terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms.
The generator is fitted with a "cut-out" with plate spring which is effected through the longitudinal movement of the spindle as per Fig. 2. The magnets of the generator also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer resistance of coils 1000 ohms.
The connections are so arranged that the bell in the telephone remains silent while the generator is being operated.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Alibuk.


Type AC 140

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520), resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (Old Cat. No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9610 connected to line terminals fitted on the back edge of the ebonite base plate and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms.
The generator is fitted with a "cut-out" with spiral spring which is effected through the longitudinal movement of the spindle as per diagram Fig. 3.
The magnets of the generator also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer resistance of coils 1000 ohms.
The connections are so arranged that the bell in the telephone remains silent while the generator is being operated.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Alibyl.


Type AC 200

Magneto table telephone

(Old Cat. No. 385)

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9610 (No. 2068) and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 12000-15000 ohms.
This generator is fitted with 2 cranks.
The magnets also form the legs of the telephone.
Ringer. Resistance of coils: 300 Ohms.
Weight: 5,3 kg.
Codeword: Alicig.


Type AC 210

Magneto table telephone

(Old Cat. No. 380)

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No.520) resting on a cradle switch with cord RS 7021 (No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9600 (No. 2150) and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator, RH 2351, 2-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 5000 ohms.
Ringer. The resistance of the coils is 200 ohms.
The base & top-plate of this telephone are made of polished wood, the centre portion of enamelled steel.
Weight: 3,75 kg.
Codeword: Alidaf.


Type AC 300-320

Magnet table telephones

Micro-telephone RE 1004 resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 6010, flexible cable (for type see table below) & terminal block with disc protector.
Generator (see table below).
Ringer (see table below).
The base & top plate are made of ebonised pear-tree wood, and the sides of black enamelled steel.
If preferred & without extra cost we supply these telephones enamelled to imitate walnut.
At an extra cost we supply these types with 2 cranks.

TypeOld Catalogue No.Generator Number of magnets Generator will ring the bell thro' a resistance of OhmResistance of ringer Ohm Flexible cable Weight Kg Codeword
AC 300 381 RH 3250 3 20000 300 RS 9500 (No. 2187) 5 Alidyn
AC 310 383 RH 4420 4 25000 300 RS 9500 (No. 2187) 5,2 Alifil
AC 320 - RH 4420 4 25000 1000 RS 9620 (No. 2260)5,2 Alifun

Telephone AC 320 is provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils & short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply this telephone without the press button but with the connection so arranged that the ringer is cut out when the generator is operated.


Type AC 400-440

Magneto table telephones

Micro-telephone RE 1004 resting on a cradle switch with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 9620 (No. 2260) & terminal block with disc protector.
Generator (see table below).
Ringer (see table below).
This telephone has enclosed line terminals, and its base & side are made of black enamelled steel, and the top-plate of ebonised pear-tree wood.
If required and without extra cost, we can supply these types with the case enamelled to imitate walnut, and at an extra cost, we can supply them with two cranks.

Type Generator Number of magnets Generator will ring the bell thro' a resistance of OhmResistance of ringer Ohm Weight Kg Codeword
AC 400 RH 3255 3 20000 300 4,8 Aligel
AC 410 RH 4500 4 25000 300 5,2 Aligim
AC 420 RH 4500 4 25000 300 5,2 Alimen
AC 440 RH 4500 4 25000 1000 5,2 Alinor

Telephones AC 420 and AC 440 are each provided with a press button, for cutting out the ringer coils and short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially ordered we supply telephone AC 440 with the connections so arranged that the ringer coils are cut out when the generator is operated, and in this case the press button is not provided.


Type AC 500-540

Magneto table telephones

Micro-telephone RE 1004 resting on a cradle switch with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 9620 (No. 2260) and terminal block with disc protector.
Generator (see table below).
Ringer (see table below).
The base, sides, and top-plate of these telephones are made of black enamelled steel. The terminals are enclosed.
Two cranks can be supplied at an additional cost.

Type Generator Number of magnets Generator will ring the bell thro' a resistance of OhmResistance of ringer Ohm Weight Kg Codeword
AC 500 RH 3230 3 20000 300 5,4 Alipir
AC 540 RH 5502 5 25000 2000 6,2 Aliput

Telephone AC 540 is provided with a press button for cutting out the ringer coils, & short circuiting the induction coil.
If specially required, we can supply type AC 540 with the connections so arranged, that the ringer is cut out when the generator is operated, & in this case, no press button is provided.


Type AC 1000

Extension table telephone without generator or bell

(Old Cat. No. 395)

Micro-telephone RE 2002 (Old Cat. No. 520) resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 7021 (No. 2252), flexible cable RS 9000 (N0. 2084) and terminal block.
This telephone is intended for use in connection with our ordinary telephones and should be so placed that a signal received on the main telephone can be heard by the person who uses the extension telephone. An incoming call can be answered equally well from either instrument.
Weight: 1,36 kg.
Codeword: Alivug.


Type AD 100

Intermediate wall telephone for 2-3 earth circuit lines

Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 325)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No. 596 or 590).
Transmitter RC 120 on arm RC 500.
Receiver RD110 (No.546) with cord RS 4300 (No. 2030) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 4120, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 150 ohms resistance.
Press button which should be held down while ringing.
3-way Switch. The instrument is provided with a clip for holding papers on the desk.
This telephone is specially intended for use with 2 earth circuit lines L1 and L2.
The switch should be normally in the right or left hand position, and a signal given by one or other of the lines will reach the intermediate station in each case. The two lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other independently of the position of the switch providing that the receiver at the intermediate station is on the switch-hook.
The intermediate station can communicate with either line, by moving the switch to the right or to the left respectively.
A third lineL3 can be connected to the intermediate station, and it can be called and communicated with when the switch is in the central position, and at the same time, lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other.
If it is necessary for the third line L3 to call the intermediate station an extension bell RA 15 (Old Cat. No. 426) must be connected across the terminals J and L3 and should it be desirable to connect the third line to the lines L1 and L2, a switch AF 300 (Old Cat. No. 460) must be used. In the latter case, the extension bell RA 15 would not be required.
If the line L3 is in communication with the either line L1 or L2, the intermediate station can at the same time be in communication with the other line.
Height of Backboard: 720 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,7 kg.
Codeword: Almled.


Type AD 120

Intermediate wall telephone for 2-3 earth circuit lines

Local Battery Systems

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells, RK 240 or RK 410 (Old Cat. No.596 or 590).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 4120, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 150 ohms resistance.
Press button, which should be held down while ringing.
3-way switch.
The instrument is provided with a clip for holding papers on the desk.
This telephone is specially intended for use with 2 earth circuit lines L1 and L2.
The switch should be normally in the right or left hand position, and a signal given by one or other of the lines will reach the intermediate station in either case. The two lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other, independently of the position of the switch, providing that the microtelephone at the intermediate station is on the switch-hook.
The intermediate station can communicate with either line by moving the switch to the right or to the left respectively.
A third line L3 can be connected to the intermediate station and it can be called and communicated with when the switch is in the central position, and at the same time lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other. If it is necessary for the third line L3 to call the intermediate station, an extension bell RA 15 (Old Cat. No. 426) must be connected across the terminals J and L3 and should it be desirable to connect the third line to the lines L1 and L2, a switch AF 300 (Old Cat. No. 460) must be used.
In the latter case, the extension bell RA 15 would not be required.
If line L3 is in communication with either L1 or L2, the intermediate station can at the same time be in communication with the other line.
Height of Backboard: 660 mm.
Width of Backboard: 215 mm.
Weight: 7,5 kg.
Codeword: Almlog.


Type AD 125

Intermediate wall telephone for 2-3 earth circuit lines
Local Battery Systems

Framework polished walnut constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 4120, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 15000 ohms.
Ringer 150 ohms resistance.
Press button, which should be held down while ringing.
3-way switch.
The instrument is provided with a clip for papers.
This telephone is especially intended for use with 2 earth circuit extension lines L1 and L2.
The switch should be normally in the right or left hand position, and a signal given by one or other of the two lines L1 and L2 will reach the intermediate station in each case.
The two lines can communicate with each other independently of the position of the switch, providing that the micro-telephone at the intermediate station is on the switch-hook.
The intermediate station can communicate with either line by moving the switch to the right or to the left respectively.
A third line L3 can be connected to the intermediate station, and it can be called and communicated with when the switch is in the central position and at the same time, lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other.
If it is necessary for the third line L3 to call the intermediate station, an extension bell RA 15 (Old Cat. No. 426) must be connected across the terminals J and L3 and should it be desirable to connect the third line to the lines L1 and L2, a switch AF 300 (Old Cat. No. 460) must be used. In the latter case, the extension bell RA 15 would not be required.
If the line L3 is in communication with either L1, or L2, the intermediate station can at the same time communicate with the other line.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Weight: 8,3 kg.
Codeword: Almluk.


Type AD 200

Intermediate wall telephone for 2 earth or metallic circuits
Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 330)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (Old Cat. No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 5050, 5-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
Press button, which should be held down while ringing.
2-way switch and clip for papers.
The intermediate station can communicate with either line, depending upon the position of the switch.
A signal given by either of the lines will ring the intermediate station, independently of the position of the switch.
The two lines can communicate with each other, providing that the micro-telephone at the intermediate station is on the switch-hook.
The conversation can in no case be overheard.
The intermediate station can be used with either 2 earth circuits, 2 metallic circuits, or for one earth circuit and one metallic circuit.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Weight: 9,8 kg.
Codeword: Almoba.


Type AD 250

Intermediate wall telephone for 3 metallic circuits
Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 335)

Framework polished walnut, constructed to hold 2 cells RK 220 or RK 400 (Old Cat. No. 595 or 585).
Micro-telephone RE 4050 (Old Cat. No. 530) with cord RS 6500 (No. 2061) suspended on switch-hook.
Generator RH 5050, 5-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
Press button, which should be held down while ringing.
3-way switch and a clip for papers.
When the switch is in its normal position, e.g. to the left, or to the right, either of the two lines L1 and L2 can give a signal to the intermediate station.
The lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other independently of the position of the switch, provided that the micro-telephone at the intermediate station is on the switch-hook.
The intermediate station can communicate with the lines L1, L2 or L3 if the switch is to the left, to the right or in the central position respectively. In the last case the lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other at the same time as the intermediate station is in communication with the line L3.
If it is necessary for the third line L3 to also ring the intermediate station, an extension bell RA 15 (Old Cat. No. 426) must be connected across the two terminals L3.
Should it be desired to connect the third line L3 to the lines L1 and L2, a switch AF 340 (Old Cat. No. 465) must be used, and in this case the extension bell RA 15 would not be required.
If line L3 is in communication with either of the lines L1 or L2, the intermediate station can at the same time be in communication with the other of these 2 lines.
When 2 telephones are in speaking communication with one another, the conversation cannot be overheard.
Height of Backboard: 715 mm.
Width of Backboard: 250 mm.
Weight: 9,6 kg.
Codeword: Almogo.


Type AE 200

Intermediate table telephone for 2 earth or metallic circuits
Local Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1004, resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 9635 and terminal block.
Generator RH 4501, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer 1000 ohms resistance.
2-way switch.
The base and sides of the telephone are made of black enamelled steel, and the top plate of ebonised pear-tree wood.
If required, and without extra cost, this telephone can be supplied with the framework enamelled and polished to match walnut.
The intermediate station can communicate with either of the lines depending upon the position of the switch.
A signal given by either of the lines will ring the intermediate telephone independently of the position of the switch.
The two lines can communicate with each other providing the micro-telephone on the intermediate station is on the hook.
The conversation can in no case be overheard.
The intermediate telephone can be used with either 2 earth circuits, 2 metallic circuits or one earth circuit and one metallic circuit.
Weight: 5,2 kg.
Codeword: Almrek.


Type AE 250

Intermediate table telephone for 2 lines; single or metallic circuits
Local Battery Systems

Micro-telephone RE 1004 resting on a cradle switch, with cord RS 6010, flexible cable RS 9800 (Old Cat. No. 2429).
Generator RH 4501, 4-magnet, which will ring satisfactorily through the ringer and a line resistance of 25000 ohms.
Ringer 300 ohms resistance.
3-way switch.
Wall fitting
RA 122, with framework of black enamelled steel, 1000 ohm ringer and disc protector for 2 single or metallic circuits.
Base and sides of the table telephone black enamelled steel. Top plate ebonised pear-tree wood.
If required and without extra cost, this instrument can be supplied enamelled to imitate walnut.
The terminals are all enclosed.
The intermediate station can communicate with either of the two lines L1 and L2, depending upon the position of the switch.
A signal given by one of the lines L1 and L2 will ring either of the intermediate station bells depending upon the position of the switch; this should however under normal conditions be in the right or left hand position; a signal coming from one of the lines will then ring the intermediate station only and not the other extension line.
When the switch is in the central position, the two lines L1 and L2 can communicate with each other.
The conversation can in no case be overheard.
This telephone can be used for either 2 earth circuits, 2 metallic circuits, or for one earth circuit and one metallic circuit
Total weight: 6,1 kg.
Codeword: Almrun


Type AF 100

Extension switch for 2 earth circuit lines
Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 435)

This instrument consists of a polished walnut base, on which are mounted a 3-way lever switch, and a ringer of 300 ohms resistance, fitted with a drop indicator, and is intended for use with our telephones, types AB or AC.
This combination of Extension Switch and Telephone performs the same functions as an intermediate telephone, and can communicate with either of the two lines, depending upon the switch being in the left or right hand position.
A signal given by the lines will ring either the bell on the telephone, or that on the extension switch, again depending upon the position of the switch.
The switch should normally be to the left or to the right hand, and a signal coming from one of the lilies will then ring the intermediate station only and not the other extension line.
When the switch is in the central position, the two lines can communicate directly with each other.
When any two of the above telephones are in communication with each other, their conversation cannot be overheard by the third.
Height of Backboard: 355 mm.
Width of Backboard: 140 mm.
Weight: 1,6 kg.
Codeword: Almsim


Type AF 200-231

AF 200 AF 210
AF 220 AF 230, AF231

Extension switches for 2 earth or metallic line circuits
Local Battery Systems

These extension switches are for use with our ordinary telephones, type AB or AC.

Type Old Catalogue No. Resistance of ringer Ohm Dimensions of Backboard Weight kg Code word
AF 200 440 1000 360 X 140 1,7 Almsup
AF 210 450 1000 350 X 140 1,8 Almsyq
AF 211 - 1000 350 X 140 1,8 Almtal
AF 220 455 1000 200 X 190 2,0 Almtem
AF 230- 1000 220 X 160 2,2 Almtin
AF 231 - 2000 220 X 160 2,2 Almtop

All the above types are 3-way switches and have drop indicators, and type AF 211 has a restoring device which operates, when the switch passes over the central position. The types AF 200, 210 and 211 are mounted on polished walnut base, the type AF 220 in polished walnut case, the type AF 230 and 231 in a case of black enamelled steel.
This combination of extension switch and telephone performs the same functions as the intermediate telephone AE 250, and can communicate with either of the two lines, L1 and L2, depending upon the switch being either to the left or to the right.
A signal given by one of the lines L1 and L2 will ring the extension bell or the bell on the telephone, again depending upon the position of the switch.
The switch should normally be to the left or to the right hand, and a signal coming from one of the lines will then ring the intermediate Station only and not the other extension line.
When the switch is in its central position, the two lines L1 and L2 can communicate directly with each other.
When any two of the above telephones are in communication with each other, their conversation cannot be overheard.
This extension switch can be used for 2 earth circuits, 2 metallic circuits, or an earth circuit line, and a metallic circuit line.


Type AF 300

Extension switch for 3 earth circuit lines
Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 460)

This extension switch is for use with intermediate telephones AD 100, AD 120 or AD 125.
It is mounted on a base of polished walnut, and fitted with a 4-way lever switch, and ringer of 150 ohms resistance, with drop indicator.
For details as to use, see pages AD 100, AD 120 or AD 125.
Height of Backboard: 365 mm.
Width of Backboard: 140 mm.
Weight: 1,6 kg.
Codeword: Almtuq.


Type AF 340

Extension switch for 3 metallic circuits
Local Battery Systems

(Old Cat. No. 465)

This extension switch, which is mounted on a base of polished walnut, is for use with the intermediate telephone AD 250 (Old Cat. No. 335).
It is fitted with a 3-way lever switch, and 1000 ohm ringer with drop indicator.
For details as to use, see page AD 250.
Height of Backboard: 375 mm.
Width of Backboard: 140 mm.
Weight: 2,0 kg.
Codeword: Almtyr.


Type AF 500

Extension switch for 2 metallic circuits with special protection against High Tension Currents
Local Battery Systems

This extension switch performs the same functions as types AF 200-231, but is specially constructed for use with the wall telephone AB 5000.
The switch is operated by means of cords 2 meters long, which are connected to the handle.
Height of Backboard: 355 mm.
Width of Backboard: 140 mm.
Weight (without cords): 1,8 kg.
Codeword: AImzar.


About this material

This is section A of the product catalogue 'Section A-C, 6th Edition Catalogue Telephone Instruments from Aktiebolaget L. M. Ericsson & Co, Stockholm '. The catalogue was printed 1911 by Wald. Zachrissons boktryckeri A.-B., Göteborg.

The scanning and word processing has been done by Tommy Sundgren (STSF).

Some pictures have Moiré interference that is hard to avoid due to the paper printing technique used. The text has been captured with Caere OmniPage OCR program.

Many thanks to the Telemuseum in Stockholm that kindly lent us the catalouge.